Rush Order Service/Super Rush order Service

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Need your order fast? InWeddingDress offers flexible rush order delivery options to ensure you receive your order early and make the expediting process so much easier.
Already submit an order and forgot to add rush options? Never mind! Please order the Rush options below separately to upgrade your dress order.
Rush Order Service:
Estimated Delivery dates = Rush Processing Time 13 business days + Rush Shipping Time: 5-7 business days.
Super Rush Order Service:
Estimated Delivery dates = Super Rush Processing Time 9 business days + Super Rush Shipping Time: 5-7 business days.
Processed within 13 business days Delivered 5-7 business days after processing

Processed within 9 business days Delivered 5-7 business days after processing

We want to make you feel more comfortable and secure with using Rush Order Service/Super Rush Order Service for your unique expediting needs. The services are applied mainly to shorten the processing time.
Not sure if you need Rush Order Service? Visit our Estimated Delivery Dates.

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